Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Reply


On 4/1/08, S###### B#### ###### wrote:
Dear SIr,

This is to inform you that the clips are being published successfully now (w.e.f 17.39hrs).

Mobile ESPN



Thanks for informing me about the ESPN Clips being published. I'm very confident that all your hard work shall bring immense monetary and non-tangible benefits to you, personally as well as professionally.

Let me take this valuable opportunity to reiterate the importance of ESPN Clips, particularly with regard to their successful completion and publication. As you are well aware, the GDP growth of our wonderful country rests solely on the successful publication of ESPN Clips. The tax benefits derived by the destitute on the basis of ESPN Clips is beyond the comprehension of many Third World countries.
In fact, it has been heard in elite diplomatic circles that the Indo US nuclear deal is in a stalemate situation which originated from a petty squabble over ESPN Clip Publishing Rights.

Their historical significance of ESPN Clips in the Indo Pak wars, Battle of Panipat and the Moscow Seige are also well known. But a very interesting fact I would like to reveal at this juncture is the influence of ESPN Clip Publication in the epic battle of Sparta. The Spartan King Leonidas and his brave 300 were able to hold the Persians led by Xerxys at the gates of Sparta by building a wall from stones dug up "from the bosom of Greece herself." Little do people know that this feat was achieved only by diligent publication of ESPN Clips which is in all probability a Herculean task.

The radical incorporation of ESPN Clip Publishing in the fields of nanotechnology and biometrics cannot be overlooked at any cost. Also worth mentioning is the emergence of ESPN Clip Support groups and NGOs who strive for Harsher Punishments for Parole Violators and of course, World Peace.

A quick summary of the historical and ongoing World Shaping Events, solely governed by the present and the earlier staff publishing ESPN Clips, would include Al Gore's Nobel Prize, release of Rambo 4, Wi Fi Hot Spots, invention of Pogo Sticks, Tectonic Plate Movements, Search for Alternate Dimensions and Donkey Kong,

The sheer presence of ESPN Staff, in general, and the Members of the Clip Publishing Dept, in particular, in my life has given me a new direction. I realized that the most important aspect of my life is what they do, i.e. Reading about Sports. Of Course, after that I have my morning cup of coffee and go to work where as a Structural Engineer I can make an actual contribution to the Real world, but I don't think its worth mentioning.
Thank you once again for apprising me about the successful publication of the clips. I'm sure the Collaborative effort put in by the present Mobile ESPN Clip Publishing team is reflective of the company's corporate culture, which must have been shaped by the Stalwarts who served the noble cause earlier. I earnestly hope they find their names etched in permanent glory in the "New England Journal of Who Gives a Rats Ass".
Michael Clayton

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I have been claiming that I've been on a path of self discovery. It is not a discovery of any sorts. Its just that the clouds of immaturity are vanishing, to reveal the real world. The practical world. The world I'm no where near equipped to handle. I have rated myself way beyond I stand and in the process I've had a sojourn in my fool's paradise.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Lacuna

Realization strikes at the oddest hour!!!!

My life just been the gap between Perception and Reality.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty small package."
- John Ruskin (1819-1900)

I have been wrapped up in myself, not as a narcissist, but more as a realist.

Knowing oneself is important, but till what extent is what I ask myself. After all truly gifted person is the one who can see himself through the eyes of others.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Onset of Sense

I read my last post over and over again in the last few days, even after having it published. I read it with a really wide spectrum of emotions.

Recently I had a sudden realization that no matter how many times I went over skimming or critically reading my post, it was always form my perspective. What would another person gather from this heap, if at all he or she had the the time, patience and more importantly the interest to read it. Its too obscure, but ironically, quite precise.

So, I plan to publish what I believe is the result of my incessant and eternal thinking. I cant help it if I have been blessed with a brain which is assiduous, persistent, lateral and at times even conceited in its thinking. I'm not claiming to be superior in any way. After all superiority, mediocrity, etc. are all relative. I'm just saying that I'm Unique, just like everyone else!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Shattered Dreams

' Umeed pe Duniya Kayam Hai '

Translated in English, it means that the ' World Rests on Hope. '

The validity of this oft repeated maxim cannot be denied. No matter how pragmatic one considers himself, somewhere deep inside, it is the faint glimmer of hope which drives him in his daily pursuits.

I'm using 'Hope' to refer to a myriad of words, one of them being 'Dreams'. Words do have their individual, defined meaning. But I feel that when one reflects on his life, at times they all seem to be linked together. This hope, for whatever it may be, guides us in times of confusion or pushes us to achieve in times of despair. I just stays there, in our life, at the back of our mind. It stays there so long that we unconsciously assume it to be a permanent entity. Just as when we look at a range of mountains in the horizon for a long time. Shadows of the mountains change directions, the clouds fly by but the range just stays there.

It is around this very hope that we start living our lives, thinking that life is heading for the better, while in absolute reality it leads us to a state of being abject and miserable.

Success is the only way to prove this wrong. But for every success there are thousands of failures, followed by thousands of Shattered Dreams, uncovering the thousands of False Hopes.

Miserable may very vaguely express what I am right now, for I had the audacity to have Dreams. Dreams which have been shattered completely. I am not challenging the fact that they have been shattered because it had to happen someday. It is an apt punishment for the crime I committed by harbouring a Desire to lead my life. But still, now that it is gone, there is nothing to explain my state of being. Nothing at all.

I feel as if don't know myself. Rather, never knew myself.

There is a deafening silence when one enters a morose tomb. I have become that tomb, and the silence is of the emptiness within me. The person who I thought existed within me was never there. The mountains of hope have vanished into thin air. And I shall live this way forever.

Such is the Agony of being in One - Sided Love!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Much Needed Start

When matters get out of hand, they need intervention. I suppose its a safe thumb rule which can be applied to anything, ranging from our daily lives to international politics.

Most probably, I'm not going to discuss international politics here. One good reason being that mankind has been blessed by the presence of people like Noam Chomsky.

'Matters' have been getting terribly out of hand for me of late, and so someone intervened. The person advised me that since I have exhausted all my options and ideas of calming my restless and tortured mind, I might as well try writing about it. After all, it is a proven way.

So, after a Herculean effort of getting over my inhibitions about writing, here I am, starting my blog. Earlier I thought a lot on what to name it, my first instincts being of giving it a name which would be 'cool' and 'awesome'. But somewhere down the line I realized, who exactly am I kidding? I read a very wise quote once, "We are what we pretend to be, so we should be careful about what we pretend to be."

Enigmatic Arnab? I don't think so. I behave mysteriously yet I am predictable. I defy all stereotypes yet seem like everyone else. Nobody understands me completely. Even I don't know myself. I am just Abstruse Arnab.

I'll try my best not to make it a dumping ground of my daily frustrations. Rather I hope this blog transfers them to other intended persons, if by chance they happen to read it. Criticisms and comments are welcome, along with the answers I so desperately seek.